Sunday, 28 March 2010

Womens Health Questions About Womens Health Problems

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Answers to womens health questions on womens health problems can help a woman better understand her health and how to improve it. Today, a woman must both attend to her career while taking care of family responsibilities. Before and after work, she is likely involved in meal preparation, seeing to the family's needs along with doing the non-stop stream of household chores. It is easy to understand how women can become nearly exhausted and begin asking womens health questions and looking for answers.

And to make matters worse, there is so much health information available that is at the same time confusing and conflicting. Who to believe? Who is trying to sell me what? Even doctors are often promoting this and that product as the latest greatest solution to various maladies and womens health problems. Perhaps you find yourself asking questions such as these:

Womens Health Questions #1 - Are Bioidentical Hormones Different from Synthetic Drugs?

Yes, bioidentical hormones are very different from the synthetic drugs. The term "bioidentical" means that the hormone is exactly the same as what the body naturally makes. The body will treat a bioidentical hormone as if the body produced it naturally. When used in dosages similar to the body's normal production, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can provide health benefits without the side effects associated with non-natural or synthetic drugs. Synthetic hormones are not natural to the body - they are different from natural hormones so they can be patented and marketed by the drug companies.

Womens Health Questions #2 - Are There Really Any Best Vitamins for Women?

Absolutely! We all have what is referred to as dietary gaps, meaning, it is difficult to consume the necessary foods that provide needed nutrients every day. Who regularly eats the recommended 5-9 servings of vegetables and fruits each day? It is difficult for anyone to do and besides, the nutrient values found in foods today are lower than decades ago. Taking a high-quality, broad spectrum, anti-aging daily nutritional supplement formulated specifically for women helps fill in the dietary gaps that we all have.

Womens Health Questions #3 - Why Should I Be Using Natural Cleaning Products?

For sure! Since 1945, more than 80,000 synthetic chemicals have been invented, the majority derived from a petroleum base. When using home cleaning products that you pour out of a container, you receive exposure either through your skin or from the fumes that you breathe. And what is even much worse is when you spray the petroleum-based toxic cleaners into the air, doing so means you will be breathing the airborne chemical particles directly into your lungs which will contribute to various womens health problems! Natural cleaning products are easily available that are priced competitively and reduce exposure to the harsh chemicals found in regular household cleaners and sprays.

Womens Health Questions #4 - Why Do Uterine Fibroids Develop in Women?

Uterine fibroids are known as muscle tumors and in most cases are non-cancerous. They are a very common growth in the female genital tract. Fibroid growths afflict as many as 80% of American women in their 30's to 50's. One in four women will have complaints serious enough to seek medical treatment! The true causes of fibroids remain unknown, however, there are several factors that do seem to affect fibroid growths in women.

Womens Health Questions #5 - Where Can I Find Answers to More Questions About Health?

Online! Understand what are normal changes in the reproductive cycle and health and what changes and symptoms indicate hormonal imbalances brought on by poor nutrition, excessive stress and other lifestyle factors. Learn as much as you can about your health, the reasons for the womens health problems you may have and options available to you.

If you feel your health is not what it once was and want answers to your specific womens health questions, begin by understanding what is healthy and normal and what is not. How you feel and perform every day is an issue that is too important to leave unattended any longer.

By: David Lee Buster

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Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Women Health Care

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Females have been bestowed by the nature with important role of procreation and mammals have evolved vivi-parity as nature's best experimental modal for better survival of their limited number of off springs as compared to other phyla. Menstruation an inherent physiological Function generally starts some time after girl's tenth birthday during the phase of development known as puberty. The years follow before it without ova being produced.

Puberty in female child is a period of intense hormonal activity during which certain subtle changes take place in her body, as an adaptation to perform an essential biological function of child bearing. The female hormones viz. estrogen and progesterone in harmony with other factors. Perform functions to maintain homeostasis for better health. However, in the aging certain changes occur which trigger many functional changes which affect woman’s health, such that the quality of life is affected. As a girl becomes a women, a women also has to pass through a phase of menopause.

The terms menarche menstruation and menopause, are derived from the root men (-sem), related to an event taking place every four weeks and menopause is defined as permanent cessation of menstruation

Resulting from the loss of ovarian follicular activity. It is generally recognized as having occurred after twelve consecutive months of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) for which there are no other obvious pathological factors. As a matter of fact primates including human females have to undergo this phase in their lives and as the ovaries cease cease to function many symptoms manifest which change the life cycle and adjust accordingly is what Ayurved has emphasized. However, with change in life patterns and awareness towards certain undesirable/unpleasant effects viz Alzheimers, cardiovascular effects and osteoporotic changes could appear and incidence of life threatening breast carcinoma is increased, which hitherto have either remained unnoticed, or went untreated or used to be treated by self medication.

In contrast to age at menarche the age at menopause appears to be independent of environmental factors, educational background, or physical state. Although age menarche varied from 11-17 years in various geographical areas and 14.3 years being the average age, the age of menopause was less variable. The number of pregnancies also had no influence on the menopausal symptoms to set in. However, married women were found to have higher age at menopause that spinsters (49.8 versus 47.8) years and stimulation of female sexual organs through regular sexual contact was considered to be the causative factor for higher age at menopause. Physical build-up also seems to have no effect on age at menopause. These are all expected since menopause is dependent on the ovarian follicular activity which although had millions of primitive eggs at birth which get exhausted through follicular atresia during each month, an activity even continuing during prolonged comatose state.

Since the pattern of setting of menopause is practically identical, it seems likely that no major ethnic differences exist so for as the age at menopause is concerned. With increased longevity during the past century the expected life-span of women has increased dramatically form 50 years to over 80 years hence on an average women would spend as many years under menopause as under menopause as under fertile reproductive phase and effective therapeutic management of menopausal phase would be a cornerstone in strategies for preserving or improving women health. From the standpoint of pharmaceutical industry, it is an opportunity to be exploited for development of such products which may alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause besides evolving therapeutic strategies for life threatening increases in incidence of breast and endometrial carcinoma.

The main organ functions that get affected during menopause are nervous system, cardiovascular system and bone architecture. The main hormonal element which is implicated in menopause is estrogen and it is long been appreciated that estradiol is a potent neurotrophic and neuroprotective factor during embryonic and development. Its role in sexual differentiation during embryogenesis was studied in early twentieth century. However, soon it was realized that estrogen exert profound protective action on adult brain in both human and animal models. Studies provided physiological and molecular basis for the myths that estrogen influence the aspects of memory, cognition and mood in healthy young and menopausal women. There are also indications that estrogen appear to delay the onset of and slow the decline in cognitive functions associated with neurogenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

It is well established that estrogen plays a pivotal role in female development, growth and reproduction. During sex differentiation in females the wolffian duct the progenitor of male reproductive duct system degenerates thus allowing the mullerian duct system to differentiate into female genital tract.

The incidence of cardiovascular disease differs significantly between the two sexes. The incidence of atherosclerotic diseases is low in pre-menopausal women and rises in menopausal women. Important role that estrogen play in development of atherosclerosis was established in mid fifties of the last century when administration of estrogen in animals tends to inhibit the development of atherosclerosis other wise produced by high cholesterol diet. Recent data suggest that direct actions of estrogen on blood vessels, besides it's effect on circulating lipid levels, contribute significantly to cardiovascular protective effects of estrogen.

One of the most distinctive effects of estrogen on the skeleton is inhibition of longitudinal and radial bone growth. It is a common observation that the growth in height is halted as a child attains menarche (similarly when a boy attains puberty). Due to malformed ovaries eunuchs are generally taller than their normal siblings. This inhibition of bone elongation is because of direct effect sex hormones on the chondrogenesis in the growth plate.

Bone density is measured by either single photon absorptiometry (SPA) or quantitative tomography (QCT). Due to technicality of the instruments involved SPA measures cortical bone density in the appendages i.e. hand and foot (fore and hind limbs) and QCT measures bone density in spine. Besides many other biochemical markers of bone’s physiological functioning and bone formation increase in incidence of fracture is an alarming attribute of osteoporosis. A high incidence of radiolucency if found in routine X’ray films of the spine in menopausal women.

Bone consists of cells and an inter cellular matrix of organic and inorganic substances. The organic matter is made up of collagen, orosomucoid and resistant proteins. The collagen is similar to that found in many other connective tissues. The mucoid is a protein mucopolysachharide complex containing chondroitin sulfate and is less soluble in hot water.

The inorganic matter is responsible for the rigidity of bone and constitutes about two thirds of the bone weight. It is mainly composed of calcium as phosphate (about 85%); and carbonate (10%) and small amounts of calcium fluoride and magnesium fluoride. The radiolucency is a function of amount of these minerals in bones. During adult hood, there is an intricate balance between bone forming cells (osteoblasts) and bone resorbing cells (osteoclasts) which gets altered during advancingage, thus resulting in loss of fragility in bones. The decreased in protein matrix permits demineralization vis-à-vis decalcification, chemical moieties of these degradation products have been utilized as biochemical diagnostic markers of the degree of osteoporotic progress. This resulting softening of bone, now can not sustain the weight sheer associated with body movements and thus making an individual more susceptible to fracture. While fractures other than spine or hip can be managed with ambulatory and/or surgical manipulations, the one in spine often results in compression of softened vertebral body and intervertebral disc. A principal symptom is mainly persistent pain which may be crippling. Such fractures may produce pressure on spinal root and sciatica.

Bone mineral density (BMD) or index (BMI) are now days most talked about terms which have made general public more-aware of osteoporosis. Otherwise osteoporosis is a normal aging phenomenon both in females and males. Since androgenic hormone i.e. testosterone in males and female hormones i.e estrogen and

Progesterone both decline with advancing age,the resultant development of bone fragility

Or osteoporosis is so amalgamated that hormones deficiency is implicitly correlated with development of osteoporosis. in contrast to men there is a large amount of data relating

To bone mass in females. Alternatively muscle weakness is an important clinical problem in old age, thus contributing functional limitation for daily activities and related problems such as an increased risk for falls.

Ordinary radiological investigations at time fail to detect such fractures and effected

Persons tend to adopt bending posture and need a stick support for normal movement,

Vertebral fractures are well recognized consequence of menopausal bone loss and are most common osteoporotic fractures. All vertebral fractures whether symptomatic or radiographically identified are associated with increased mortality and morbidity including back pain and decreased activity with consequent increased days of best rest.

Vertebral fractures are serious and irreversible outcome of osteoporosis and are predicative indicator of future susceptibility to fractures unless otherwise treated because

Osteoporosis is actually a quickly progressing disease.

Quality of life issues are particularly important when considering management of menopause .Promotion of healthy lifestyle including dietary advice, encouragement and

Counseling regarding physical activity are the palliative measures which should be considered.

By Brajesh Malaviya

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Saturday, 20 March 2010

Womens Health Fitnes

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Type in a couple of womens health fitness keywords into Google or any one of the many search engines and what do you get? You get some great sites related to womens health fitness and more

There are tons of womens health fitness websites some are little more than advertisements but many others provide a terrific supply of information relating to womens issues. Scientific research, data from studies, health conditions, nutrition, and fitness, as well as prevention and treatment information.

It's important for women to get accurate information about issues that directly relate to their health and that includes the latest on womens health fitness. What was thought the best advice only a year or so ago has now been improved.

For example today it is a well known fact that women suffer heart attacks at the same rate as men but they often present differently to emergency wards to many go undiagnosed. It has also bee shown that womens health fitness is critical to keeping women healthier especially after menopause when their natural protection dwindles.

Studies have also shown that women health fitness can make a big difference in a womens ability to maintain here weight. It seems after 40 women get the privilege of a few extra pounds suddenly appearing around the waste line and so with some proper exercise routines you can better defy mother nature.

Womens health fitness is finally getting the same attention that mens has for decades. Suddenly we realize that besides helping to keep the pounds off women also need to make sure that they are taking care of their cardio workouts.

This brings us to another subject - weight loss. For many women this is an ongoing battle that's not easy to resolve. Many would love to convince you that you need all kinds of diet pills to lose those pounds when really what you need is much simpler. You need to ensure that the calories you are burning exceed the calories you are taking in.

There are plenty of excellent health fitness resource sites for women and there are just as many terrific magazines that are full of helpful exercise tips, nutritional tips, and all kinds of tips to have you looking and feeling great. And isn't that what all women want? To look and feel their best?

Women may a great deal more attention to how they look and feel then men do. In general women are much more in tune to the signals their bodies are sending them and they are also much more interested in health fitness and how it affects their overall well being.

Men are more interested in fitness to great a buff, polished look although slowly they are beginning to recognize and understand the value of a cardio workout. Women on the other hand have long understood how their health fitness and their overall well being were directly related. And for one to have a terrific overall well being they needed to have a good health fitness ethic.

By Kelly Johnson

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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Womens Health - Staying in Shape, Staying Healthy

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Here are 10 tips for women to stay fit and healthy by:

1. Fit and healthy starts with a balanced diet. Know and observe the correct weight for your age. Ask your doctor to learn what foods to eat and to avoid discipline should follow routines. If you try a bit of weight, foods high in calories to lose, you should be omitted from your meals. Foods with high fiber and low fat should be included a priority in your shopping list instead of red meat, sugar andFats.

2. Drink lots of water. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. This cleanses the body of impurities. It is also to increase breastfeeding women in order to keep the water body to advise hydrated.

3. Take vitamins and minerals. Do not forget to supplement your calcium. Adequate calcium intake for women of all age groups an advantage. This has proved to have cramps and pre-menstrual period (PMS) symptoms to prevent. It also prevents osteoporosisespecially for women in menopause. Vitamin E increases should be strong immune system. Women, the time of menopause taking vitamin E-400, since they undergo no more night sweats and hot flashes. Vitamin E is best to avoid wrinkles to be when aging.-women health

4. Quit smoking. If you quit smoking. It is also a big "NO" for pregnant women because it would adversely affect the health of the child. Pregnant women who smoke, they can use the harmful content of cigarettes to Babies through the bloodstream. Recent studies have shown that women smokers are more susceptible to diseases than men smoke. Women who smoke are at high risk of developing breast cancer. Also, limit your alcohol consumption.

5. Incorporate exercises in your daily routine. Take a walk after work, climb stairs instead of elevator or play with your kids when you are at home. Home exercises are also particularly effective if you do not have time to go to the gym and who want to lose some Weight. Yoga and Pilates are only a few of the many effective exercises you can do at home. Exercises help in the risk of cardiovascular disease.-women health

6. Avoid stress. Many women tend to be too much stress. Stress has been known as a cause for many diseases. As much as possible time to relax. Reading a good book, hanging out with friends and in the sport. Pamper yourself by going to parlors or you can make some purchases. And do not forget to get enough sleep to revive, to Your energy.

7. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Wear hats when under the sun to protect your skin. Too much sun is bad for the skin. The skin is prone to cancer, is exposed to too much sunlight. It also accelerates the aging process of skin cells, the folds of the female leads.

By saichon sannok

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Thursday, 11 March 2010

Women's Health

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Keeping a good and healthy body and mind is what everyone looks for. It has increasingly become important to shed off stress and keep a fit and fine healthy body so as to work in the most effective manner. Women suffer from a number of health hazards, so what is needed is to keep the mind and body stress-free and in a good condition.

It is generally seen that women's health gets affected by the following problems:

Breast Cancer: If you have discovered a lump on your breast, then you might have a chance of developing breast cancer. There are range of hospitals, nursing homes and diagnostic centers offering various diagnosis and treatment to breast cancer.

Problems Associated with Menopause: Many women at the time of menopause suffer from several problems.

The Female Periodic Cycle: Women's periodic cycle depends on a number of factors like ovulation, menstruation and fertilization and the hormones that govern these cycles.

In USA, obesity has become a great problem with young and adults alike. Eating junk food and soft drinks have resulted in increased weight. So for all those women who are concerned about their excessive weight, can do some simple exercise and eat more of vegetables and nutritious food. Salads and green vegetables help in reducing weight and increase glamour.

Another major concern of women's health is ovarian cancer. With the increased consumption of fertility drugs over a period of time, there arise higher chances of ovarian cancer in women. In case of an ovarian cyst, one can go for various kinds of diagnosis, prevention and treatment in hospitals and nursing homes.

By partha

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Wednesday, 10 March 2010

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